Activity Camp
Activity Camp
The Venue
Freedom Activity Camps are held at Janvrin School, during both weeks of the Easter holidays and during the first five weeks of the Summer holidays every year
The Activities
During the morning and an afternoon session the children will be able to select their activities for each session every day. Friendship groups can stay together and choices can be changed as often as they wish.
We offer a mixtures of activities such as a variety of sport based activities, art/craft/pottery, dance, drama, lego building, wall climbing, slime making, tug of war and even water play when weather permits... There will also be opportunities for free play every day

The Timetable
Each day begins at 8:30am and finishes at 5:00pm with a break for lunch at 12:00. Participants may be dropped off from 8:30, will have access to a variety of games and playground equipment and will be fully supervised until the morning activities commence at 9:00am

In the event of rain we may have to replace some of the outside activities with the option of inside games. This will only be done if it becomes necessary and children will revert to their outside choices when the weather permits.
What You Need
You need to wear suitable clothing for your chosen activity, a packed lunch (no fizzy drinks please), and plenty of energy and enthusiasm. There is no need to bring your own equipment, (tennis racquets etc.) all the necessary equipment will be provided. Please do not bring valuables or money; we cannot be responsible for their securityand there is nowhere to spend money. NO NUTS, we often have children with serious nut allergies and we must keep them safe
Lost Property
Every camp leaves us with a variety of unlabelled lost property. We ask that you make sure all of your child’s kit is clearly identifiable. We would like to ensure that they leave with all that they brought!
Download Brochure (pdf)
Download a PDF copy of the Activity Camp Brochure.
Download a PDF copy of the After School Brochure.
Download a PDF copy of the Registration Form