Activity Camp
Freedom Activity Camp Social Media Policy
What do we mean by ‘Social Media’?
Social media sites are websites that allow you to interact with others online. Examples are, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. These sites bring opportunities to interact and communicate with audiences in new and exciting ways and are now becoming a way of life, so it is vital that people are able to use these appropriately and safely.
The purpose of using Facebook as a way of communicating with parents is to provide quick and relevant information and updates about Freedom Activity Camp
What kind of information do we put on Social Media?
We use social media sites to publish information of general interest. We aim to give updates that include relevant information, thus giving parents an insight into club activities without overloading them.
As Facebook is open to a worldwide audience, we will not publish photographs of children’s faces without consent from parents. In addition, we will not publish information that could put children at risk i.e. We will not post any names.
Our rules for Social media
It is important, for everyone’s safety, that we are clear about how we use social media and to agree guidelines for acceptable behaviour from the people who choose to follow us.
By ‘liking’ us on Facebook, you are agreeing to the following rules about safe use of social media:
We will not use social media sites to comment about personal matters specific to individual members of our community, whether children, parents or staff.
We will not tolerate any form of bullying on our social media accounts or any comments or posts which are rude or abusive towards any member of our school community, parents, children or staff.
We reserve the right to delete inappropriate comments and ban further comments from anyone who breaks the above code or terms of service for the relevant social media site e.g. Facebook’s term of service do not allow anyone under the age of 13 to open an account.
Guidance for parents using their own personal social media sites
We do not want to prevent parents taking photographs or videos during the dance and drama performance at Freedom Activity Camp on a Friday afternoons however, we ask that if you take photographs or videos of school events, that the photographs or videos you publish on any social media pages do not include other people’s children, without their express permission.
Please check your Facebook privacy settings to ensure that only people you want to see your information can do so.
Think before you post. Remember that even if you have tight privacy settings, everything that you put on social media pages is effectively on public view. Think about this rule – if you don’t want people to see it and if you wouldn’t have the conversation face to face- don’t post it.
If you have a comment, question or concern about anything linked to Freedom Activity Camp, we encourage all parents/ guardians etc to come and speak to us. We would much prefer parents to come and speak to us rather than making comments on social media, as this often doesn’t help resolve the situation and it can make it worse or cause others to feel anxious too.