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Activity Camp

Activity Camp Pricing

The cost for a five day week, 8:30 to 17:00, is £190.

The cost for a four day week (a week with a closure due to a bank holiday), 8:30 to 17:00, is £150

The cost for children who come only in the morning (8:30 to 12:30) or afternoon (13:00 to 17:00) sessions is £100 per week.

In order to secure a place a completed application form and a deposit of £50 per child is required with the balance to be paid on the first day of each camp. 

A discount of 10% is automatically given to two or more children from the same family attending at the same time or to any children registered with any of our After School Clubs.


After you have made your booking you can pay securely online with Paypal. If you would like to make a payment, you can do so from our Pay Online with Paypal page.

You may either pay the deposit by sending a cheque to Jim Westwater or by transferring payment direct to the Freedom Activity Camp account:

We accept

Sort code: 20-45-05

Acc. No: 63216012

To register your child a place at Jersey's best Summer Activity Camp Book now.

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